Sorry about the gap between this version and the last.
I’ve made quite a few changes:
- The application now has a Home Screen from which you can launch Capture Route.
- I’ve created an icon for the application and a menu icon for Capture Route.
- The first gps fix shown on screen is now a previously cached fix.
- The application now requests a network fix once a second and a gps fix once every half-second.
- The network fixes will only be shown if no GPS fixes have arrived or if the last GPS fix was more than 2 seconds ago.
- The Capture Route screen now shows the accuracy and speed of travel for each fix.
- The Target SDK for this project is now set to 11, which has magically made the UI more attractive.
This version is the start of appearing different on different devices, so if you have a device running Froyo (Android 2.2) or Gingerbread (Android 2.3) let me know how it looks. I’ve decided (despite initial misgivings about adding complexity) that I will implement Android Fragments in Shortest Walking Route so it can have a attractive modern interface.
If you do try this application please add a comment and let me know if it worked and what device you are using.
Version 0.0.3
This version will request GPS fixes for a minute, if you want to restart it, simply go back to the Home Screen (by pressing back) and run Capture Route again.
What’s Next:
Storage: The next step is the one I have been dreading slightly, but it’s time I figured out how to store my location fixes. I’ve decided to try an SQLite database, but as I have never used SQL before this is a step into the unknown. Wish me luck!