Posts Tagged ‘design’
Discussion: How to add Target Selection for Capture Route Activity

Lots of college stuff was going on, so I wasn’t able to work on Shortest Walking Route for a while.
Now thankfully things have died down.
My first concern is tackling Target Selection for Capture Route Activity:
When the user chooses “Capture Route” on the Home Screen, they should be asked where they are going. When they get to that location Location Service should automatically turn off and play a sound to let the user know.
I’ve thought up a few ways to do the transition and drawn them out, please have a look and comment or message me to let me know what you think of them:
Idea 1: When the user clicks on “Capture Route” it opens Target Selection Activity (an activity with a big map, like Display Routes), which shows the user a Selection List (like the one currently in Display Routes Activity). If the user chooses to create a new target, then the Selection List dissapears and they choose a location in the view underneath.
Upside: as the use taps on different potential selections I can have the map behind the Selection List zoom to the location they are choosing, this should make it easier to be sure that the right location is being chosen.
Idea 2: When the user clicks on “Capture Route” it opens a Selection List dialog over the Home screen, in this dialog the user can choose one of the saved targets ore choose to create a new target.
If the user chooses an existing target they go on to Capture Route, if they choose to create a new target they are brought instead to map where they can choose a location to be a target.
Upside: If the user is frequently choosing the same targets then this will skip the Target Selection screen which will make the process of starting a Route Capture quicker.
Idea 3: keep the relationship between Home and Capture Route Activity the same, show the Selection List in Capture Route Activity and pass the user out to Target creation if they they opt to add a new Target.
Please let me know what you think of these ideas, and if you have any other ideas I should be considering.